Thursday, January 03, 2019

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words; Kodak Super Heavy Duty; 002

When the brand "Kodak" comes to mind, I usually immediately think of camera film.. not batteries... but that is just what Kodak do sell now. In fact, what surprised me when I saw these on sale for the first time was that they were being sold in branches of "Poundland" in packs ranging from eight, to 12, to even 16 for just £1.
Kodak Super Heavy Duty
Not only those, but there was a whole range of sizes and types of Kodak batteries on offer there. Far more than you'd expect if they were part of a single "job-lot" or something. No, it was more like Poundland had gone into partnership with Kodak given the volume I saw, and the fact that months later, they are still available.

Looking at the Poundland web site, that certainly appears to be the case, as Poundland are listing Kodak as a brand here;

You may also be interested to know that as of September 2018, these were listed as the 2nd most purchased item in a Poundland survey (well, of one branch anyway) and you can read here;

Why not have a guess as to what was number one before you click? It might surprise you...

I had a quick look to see just when Kodak started selling batteries and found that was a surprise too; it was back as far as 1986, if you have a look at their company "milestones" history page on their web site.

From my research, these batteries are made in China by "Strand Europe", who are located here in the UK, in Berkshire. Strand Europe boast to have the Kodak Battery license globally too. 

At £1 for 16, that represents a cost of  just 6p per battery! 

I've used these myself for children's toys and not really felt they were running out more quickly than any other standard "cheap" zinc battery either. Have you?

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