Friday, January 04, 2019

Hyundai Heavy Industries; Super Alkaline OEM?; 006

 Another brand-name which I don't immediately think of when it comes to manufacturing or buying domestic AA batteries is that of the Korean car giant "Hyundai", but a quick check online shows me that they aren't just a car manufacturer, but a huge conglomerate that has it's fingers in many different pies... from cars to department stores to the strangely frightening-sounding "heavy industries".

Hyundai Super Alkaline 1
So it's no surprise that they also manufacture and sell batteries, I suppose and,  although I don't necessarily think of Hyundai as a "cheap" brand, they turn up not in mainstream retail shops, but in the bargain "Pound store" places instead.

No main site or page I could find for the batteries in English, but I did strike this Netherlands-based site here; which is worth a (translated) read.

Hyundai Super Alkaline 2
Not much else to say about this. It's a pretty nondescript design; white body, with a blue "top". Makes me wonder if this is an OEM or an "Original Equipment Manufacturer" battery... one that was supplied with some other companies device where they don't make batteries themselves. Kind of like the electric nose hair trimmer I got for Christmas this year. What a truly thoughtful gift... NOT.

No mercury or cadmium in this one either, which is good.

Oh, and I have yet to check my bottom for a date... I don't remember there being one on there last time I looked... ;-)

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